Gloriosa Rothschildiana

Gloriosa, also known as Climbing Lily, are a real gem for Central Africa. They are easy to grow in a warm sunny position - under the eaves of the house is ideal as they need protection from the frost.
From the growth tips of each elongated tuber, in late Spring, emerge strong wiry stems with climbing tendrils on each leaf growing to about 1 meter high. These produce numerous 4-6cm reflexing blooms with rippled petals of crimson red flames to yellow base, a magnificent sight. They bloom freely throughout summer and can make a valued cut flower.
Plant tubers 6-8cm deep on their side 10-15cm apart and be careful not to damage the growth tip. Good drainage is essential. A growing frame, stakes or even a shrub will provide good climbing support. These can be left undisturbed for years.

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1 Bulb